A Complete Line of Wildlife Nutrition

Our Featured Products
Hired Hand Blend
Hired Hand Blend is the most cost effective high quality food plot seeds for your farm. It offers you the highest quality food plots at the most cost-effective price on the market today. Forth Seed Company’s Hired Hand Blend is a blend of clovers and alfalfa designed to grow well in most soil types but prefers well- drained light to heavy soils.
Superior Alfalfa Blend
Superior Alfalfa Blend is a blend of high quality alfalfas, with pH and drought tolerant varieties. Superior Alfalfa Blend provides a quality protein and nutritious alfalfa blend, for maximum attraction and palatability. Superior Alfalfa Blend grows best in well drained soils.
Rack Max
Rack Max is a feed supplement, designed to provide complete health to your entire deer herd while enhance antler growth. Rack Max is a nutritionally sound product that uses only the finest ingredients which are proven by their ability to attract and maintain the overall health of your Deer herd. Rack Max contains trace minerals combined with vitamin packs and chelated amino acids to increase milk production and bolster the immune system, thus enhancing growth, development and antler formation. Rack Max contains digestible fiber providing energy without the depres- sion in forage digestion, that occurs in starch based feed supplements.
Forth Seed Mineral
Forth Seed’s Mineral is a mineral, designed to maximize antler growth. We use only the highest quality ingredients which are proven by their ability to attract and maximize antler growth. Our minerals contain the finest trace minerals chelated to amino acids to increase absorption and bioavailability, producing enhanced growth, development and antler growth.